Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Chapter 2 - Sonia Jarema & Cath Rive

The second instalment from Cath Rive and Sonia Jarema has just arrived at Pattenotion HQ.
Earlier in this blog you will have read about their collaboration between image and word.
Cath being the visual artist and Sonia the poet.
So here's the second part of their conversation below.
This time the image first and then the poem........
by Cath Rive
by Sonia Jarema

Heels lift up
walking caught as a dance;
her dress as loud as her daughter’s coat.

The volume’s turned down, 
on the older couple, yards behind.
They’ve hidden their hands from each other.

The woman’s head is tilted back
as though filling her lungs deep 
for her yearning song.
If you would like to view the whole conversation in its entirety then visit our designated page (right).