Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Robert Good - Art, Yes, No Way, Yes!

Robert Good - Affirmative Action
Many of you will know Robert Good's work already, just a few weeks ago he graced the front cover of our first publication FreedBook with the excellent 'Affirmative Action'. Books seem to be the natural playground for his ideas and once again he makes us think 'Yes' with his current submission to Patternotion.
Good is fascinated with society's need to impose order and to construct systems, and his work deals with the frailties of language and the attendant possibilities for art.
He is an artist and recent convert to conceptual art who works with image, text and installation to explore the boundaries between visual and verbal, theory and practice, art and life. He is a recent MFA graduate and the 2011 winner of the Searle Award for Creativity.

Robert Good - Patternotion Submission

 I first met Robert while participating in his thought provoking public art exhibition Text and Context in September 2012. He was brave enough to join myself and SMartwalks as we walked 8 miles through the streets of Cambridge, carefully attaching magnetic tweets to metal surfaces.

He told me about one of his current themes working with largely forgotten Pelican paperback images and authors. Taking books from the last century and juxtaposing them within our current digital framework. There was a suggestion that he's even reincarnated these authors on twitter. You could be cynical about this, thinking that Robert is playing the classic irony card but spend just a little time with his work and you'll find at its core there is humour, celebration and most of all optimism.

AL (left), RG (right). Photo H.Wells

As if to reinforce this point we walked past his installation on the Cambridge streets. And yes you guessed it, Robert Good had released another 'Yes' into the world.
And yes it did feel like the real thing.
I could feel the force.

And true to his name I felt better because of Robert Good.


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